User Interview Survey for Savor App
User Interview Survey for Savor App

User Interview Survey for Savor App

User Interview
Agile Development
Design Thinking
May 5, 2024
This user interview survey is for the project I did, Savor -
AI-Driven Grocery Logging and Recipe Suggestions App
Problem Statement:
Grocery items in the fridge tend to expire because individuals are busy and forget that they bought a lot of them and usually leave fridge unorganized, leading to food waste. How might we help them keep track and make better use of the items?
  1. Learn about behaviors in terms of keeping track of grocery inventory and expiration info
  1. Learn about behaviors in terms of deciding what to cook

User Interview Survey

Introduction to the Interview

Thank you for participating in this interview! Today, we’ll discuss your experiences with grocery shopping and cooking. The insights you provide will help us develop a web app designed to reduce food waste and make meal planning easier. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used to inform our product development.

A. Intro / Background

  1. How often do you cook?
  1. Can you describe your cooking skills (beginner, intermediate, expert)?
  1. Where do you usually do your grocery shopping? How often?
  1. Could you tell me about your household? (e.g., number of people, children, dietary preferences)

B. Detailed Shopping and Cooking Process

  1. Could you walk me through your last grocery shopping trip from planning what to buy to storing items at home?
  1. Describe the last meal you cooked. How did you decide what to cook, and what was the process like?

C. Core Questions - Inventory Management

  1. Tracking Purchases and Inventory:
    1. How do you keep track of what you buy?
    2. Where do you store them in your home?
    3. Do you ever have grocery items expire on you? Why?
  1. Addressing Expiration Issues:
    1. If yes, could you estimate how often this happens? And on a scale of 1-5, how critical is it for you to solve the issue of expiring groceries? 1 - not a problem for me at all 5 - I would love to pay some money to solve it for me
    2. What amount would you consider reasonable to pay monthly for a solution that helps manage this? (e.g., $5, $10, $15)

D. Core Questions - Decision Making in Cooking

  1. How do you usually decide what to cook?
    1. Do you plan ahead or meal prep or decide spontaneously? How so?
    2. Do you usually look up recipes and know what to cook?
    3. What tools or resources do you use for meal planning or recipe discovery? Have these been effective?
  1. How often do you try new ingredients or recipes? What motivates you to try new things in the kitchen?

E. Additional Questions

  1. Have you had any negative experiences related to grocery shopping or cooking that we haven’t discussed yet?
  1. Have you used any apps or tools to help with grocery management or meal planning before? What did you like or dislike about them?

Closing Remarks:

  • Thank you for your time and insights! Is there anything else you’d like to add that we didn’t cover?
  • We will be using the feedback from this interview to enhance our app development. Would you be interested in a follow-up session to see the progress and provide further input?