TypeScript Declaration File (.d.ts)

TypeScript Declaration File (.d.ts)

July 9, 2024
Files with the .d.ts extension in TypeScript are declaration files. These files are used to provide type information about an API that's written in JavaScript, allowing TypeScript to understand the types, structures, and expected values without having actual implementations. This enables type checking and IntelliSense (code completion) in TypeScript projects when using JavaScript libraries or APIs.
Key characteristics of .d.ts files:
  1. Type Definitions: They contain definitions of variables, functions, classes, interfaces, etc., without containing actual implementations. This means they describe the shape and expected types of the JavaScript code they represent.
  1. Interoperability: They allow TypeScript code to interact safely with existing JavaScript code by providing a contract of the types expected by the JavaScript code. This is particularly useful when using third-party JavaScript libraries in TypeScript projects.
  1. No Output: When TypeScript code is compiled, .d.ts files do not produce any JavaScript output. They are purely for type checking and are not included in the compiled JavaScript.
  1. Community-Driven Type Definitions: Many popular JavaScript libraries have .d.ts files available through DefinitelyTyped (a repository of high-quality TypeScript type definitions), which can be installed via npm with the @types namespace, e.g., @types/react for React.
  1. Ambient Declarations: They are often used for ambient declarations with the declare keyword, which tells TypeScript about the existence of an external entity (variable, class, function, etc.) without needing to explicitly import it.