Non-overlapping Intervals

Key Ideas
The key idea to solve this problem is to sort the intervals based on their start times and then iterate through the sorted intervals to find the maximum number of non-overlapping intervals.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
Problem Summary: The problem is about finding the maximum number of non-overlapping intervals from a given set of intervals. The goal is to select the intervals in such a way that no two intervals overlap with each other. Key Pitfalls: - Sorting the intervals based on their start or end time is crucial for an efficient solution. - Care should be taken to handle edge cases where intervals may have equal start or end times. - It is important to keep track of the latest non-overlapping interval to make optimal choices during the selection process.
Solution Summary
The best solution to solve the Non-overlapping Intervals problem is to use a greedy algorithm. First, sort the intervals based on their end times in ascending order. Then, initialize a variable to keep track of the count of non-overlapping intervals. Iterate through the sorted intervals and compare the end time of the current interval with the start time of the next interval. If there is an overlap, increment the count and update the end time to the smaller value. Finally, return the count as the minimum number of intervals to remove for a non-overlapping schedule.
Dynamic Programming