Merge Strings Alternately

Array / String
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve the problem "Merge Strings Alternately" is to use two pointers to iterate through the given strings alternately and append characters to the result string.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
Problem Summary: The "Merge Strings Alternately" problem requires merging two strings by taking alternate characters from each string. The merged string should contain all the characters from both strings in the order they appear. If one string is longer than the other, the remaining characters should be appended to the end of the merged string. Key Pitfalls: - Be careful with edge cases where one or both strings are empty. - Ensure that the merged string is formed by taking alternate characters from both strings in the correct order. - Watch out for off-by-one errors when handling string indices or lengths.
Solution Summary
The best solution to solve the problem "Merge Strings Alternately" is to use two pointers. We can initialize two pointers, one for each string, and iterate through the strings simultaneously. At each iteration, we can append the character at the current pointer position to the result string. We continue this process until we reach the end of one of the strings. If one of the strings is longer than the other, we can simply append the remaining characters to the result string. This solution has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the longer string, as we only need to iterate through both strings once.
Two Pointers