Memory-Mapped Files: Bridging the Gap Between Memory and Storage

Memory-Mapped Files: Bridging the Gap Between Memory and Storage

July 23, 2024
In the world of high-performance computing and efficient data handling, memory-mapped files stand out as a powerful tool that bridges the gap between system memory and storage. This technique, often overlooked by developers, can significantly boost performance and simplify code when working with large datasets or inter-process communication. Let's dive into what memory-mapped files are, how they work, and why you might want to use them in your next project.

What Are Memory-Mapped Files?

Memory-mapped files allow a program to treat a file on disk as if it were a part of the program's memory. This means you can access and manipulate file contents using simple memory operations, without the need for explicit read and write calls to the file system.

How Do They Work?

figure from this source
figure from this source
When you memory-map a file, the operating system creates a mapping between a range of virtual memory addresses in your program and a range of bytes in the file. This mapping allows your program to access file contents by simply reading from or writing to memory addresses.
Key points about the mechanism:
  1. Lazy Loading: The OS doesn't immediately load the entire file into memory. Instead, it uses demand paging to load only the parts of the file that are actually accessed.
  1. Caching: Accessed portions of the file are cached in the system's page cache, which can greatly reduce disk I/O for frequently accessed data.
  1. Write-Back: Changes made to the memory-mapped region aren't immediately written to disk. The OS manages when to flush these changes, optimizing disk access patterns.

Advantages of Memory-Mapped Files

  1. Simplified Code: You can work with file contents using simple pointer operations, as if you were working with an array in memory.
  1. Improved Performance: For large files or frequent access patterns, memory-mapped files can significantly outperform traditional file I/O.
  1. Efficient Inter-Process Communication: Multiple processes can map the same file, providing a fast and straightforward way to share data.
  1. Reduced Memory Usage: Large files can be accessed without loading them entirely into memory.

Are Memory-Mapped Files Constrained by Disk I/O?

A common misconception is that memory-mapped files are always constrained by slow disk I/O. While it's true that disk access is involved, the reality is more nuanced:
  • The OS's caching mechanisms often keep frequently accessed data in RAM, avoiding disk access altogether.
  • Lazy loading means you only incur I/O costs for the parts of the file you actually use.
  • Write-back policies can optimize disk writes by batching them efficiently.
That said, for datasets larger than available RAM or for less frequently accessed data, some I/O overhead will still exist. However, this is often far less impactful than with traditional file I/O methods.

Practical Example: Cross-Language Communication

One interesting application of memory-mapped files is facilitating communication between programs written in different languages. Here's a simple example of how Python can write data that Node.js then reads:
Python (Writer):
import mmap import os file_path = 'shared_memory_file' size = 1024 with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'\\0' * size) with open(file_path, 'r+b') as f: with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), size, access=mmap.ACCESS_WRITE) as mm: mm.write(b'Hello from Python to Node.js!') print("Data written to shared memory file.")
Node.js (Reader):
const fs = require('fs'); const mmap = require('mmap-io'); const filePath = 'shared_memory_file'; const size = 1024; const fd = fs.openSync(filePath, 'r+'); try { const buffer =, mmap.PROT_READ, mmap.MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); const data = buffer.toString('utf8').replace(/\\0/g, ''); console.log("Data read from shared memory:", data); buffer.close(); } finally { fs.closeSync(fd); }
This example demonstrates how memory-mapped files can facilitate efficient inter-process and even inter-language communication.


What is anonymous memory mapping?

Anonymous memory mapping refers to the allocation of memory that is not backed by any file. This technique is often used for creating shared memory regions between processes or for allocating large blocks of memory without the overhead of file I/O.

Is anonymous memory mapping the same as shared memory (without using memory-mapped files)?

While anonymous memory mapping and shared memory can both be used to share memory between processes, they are not the same. Anonymous memory mapping specifically refers to memory that is not associated with a file. Shared memory is a broader IPC mechanism that allows multiple processes to access the same memory segment. It can be implemented using different methods, including System V shared memory (shmget()), POSIX shared memory (shm_open()), and memory-mapped files.

What is copy-on-write access and when is it used normally?

Walk-through access refers to the ability to access memory directly without intermediate steps or additional data copying. It is commonly used in high-performance applications where minimizing latency and maximizing throughput are critical.

Some Common Issues

  1. Synchronization challenges:
      • Multiple processes accessing shared memory simultaneously can lead to race conditions and data corruption if not properly synchronized.
      • Coordinating read/write access between processes requires careful use of synchronization primitives like semaphores or mutexes.
  1. Persistence and consistency:
      • For memory-mapped files, there can be uncertainty about when changes are actually written back to disk.
      • Ensuring data consistency across process crashes or system failures can be tricky.
  1. Performance considerations:
      • While generally fast, in some cases memory-mapped file I/O may be slower than standard file I/O, especially for certain access patterns.
      • Excessive page faults can occur if the mapped region is larger than available physical memory.
  1. Size limitations:
      • On 32-bit systems, the size of a memory-mapped file is limited by the process's address space (typically 2-3 GB).
        • Why?
          32-bit address space can address a maximum of 4 GB of memory. However, this space is shared between the operating system and the application, leaving typically 2-3 GB available for the application's use, including memory-mapped files.
      • Expanding the size of a memory-mapped file can be challenging.
  1. Cross-process and cross-language compatibility:
      • Sharing memory between processes using different programming languages or on different architectures can introduce compatibility issues.
  1. Security concerns:
      • Shared memory can potentially be accessed by unauthorized processes if permissions are not set correctly.
      • Memory-mapped files may expose sensitive data if not properly secured.
  1. Resource management:
      • Failing to properly unmap or close shared memory regions can lead to resource leaks.
      • Orphaned shared memory segments can persist after processes terminate if not properly cleaned up.
  1. Complexity in error handling:
      • Dealing with errors in a shared memory context can be more complex than with other IPC mechanisms.
  1. Portability issues:
      • Implementation details for shared memory and memory-mapped files can vary across operating systems, affecting portability.
  1. Fragmentation:
      • Long-term use of shared memory can lead to memory fragmentation, especially if segments are frequently allocated and deallocated.
  1. Debugging challenges:
      • Debugging issues in shared memory can be more difficult due to the concurrent nature of access and potential for subtle timing-related bugs.
  1. Overhead for small data:
      • For small amounts of data, the overhead of setting up shared memory or memory-mapped files might outweigh the benefits.
Understanding these issues is crucial for effectively using shared memory and memory-mapped files in software development, especially in multi-process environments.

In Summary: The Use Case

Memory-mapped files are particularly useful in scenarios where large datasets need to be processed or when multiple processes need to share data efficiently. They are also valuable for applications that need to perform frequent read and write operations on files without the overhead of traditional file I/O.


Memory-mapped files offer a powerful technique for working with file data, providing performance benefits and simplifying code in many scenarios. While they're not a silver bullet for all file I/O needs, understanding and utilizing memory-mapped files can be a valuable addition to any developer's toolkit, especially when dealing with large datasets or requiring efficient inter-process communication.
As with any powerful tool, it's important to understand both the benefits and potential pitfalls. Used appropriately, memory-mapped files can significantly enhance the performance and efficiency of your applications.
Copy-on-write (COW) access (MAP_PRIVATE) in mmap is a memory optimization technique that allows multiple processes to share the same memory pages until one of them attempts to modify the content. Initially, the mapped pages point to the same physical memory as the original file or shared memory region. When a process attempts to write to a page in this mapping, the operating system creates a private copy of that page for the process. Subsequent writes by that process affect only its private copy, leaving the original data unchanged.
When Copy-on-Write is Used:
  1. Large Data Sets with Partial Modifications: It's particularly useful when dealing with large arrays or data structures where only a portion of the data needs to be modified. This saves memory by only allocating new pages for the modified parts.
  1. Forking Processes: When a process forks, the child process initially shares all memory pages with the parent. COW allows efficient memory usage until either process modifies shared pages.
  1. Multiple Readers, Few Writers: In scenarios where multiple processes need to read the same data, but only a few (or one) need to make modifications.
  1. Temporary Modifications: When a process needs to make temporary changes to data without affecting the original source or other processes.
  1. Memory-Mapped Files: When working with memory-mapped files, COW allows processes to make local modifications without affecting the underlying file or other processes mapping the same file.