Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring

Sliding Window
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve this problem is to use a sliding window approach to find the maximum number of vowels in a substring of a given string.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
The problem "Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring" (Problem Number: 1456) is a medium difficulty problem in the category of Sliding Window. The goal is to find the maximum number of vowels in any substring of a given string, with the constraint that the substring's length must be less than or equal to k. Key pitfalls to watch out for include properly handling edge cases such as an empty string or k being larger than the string length.
Solution Summary
To solve the "Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring" problem, we can use a sliding window approach. We initialize two pointers, left and right, to track the start and end of the substring. We move the right pointer to expand the window until we reach the desired length. As we move the window, we count the number of vowels in the substring. If the count exceeds the given limit, we move the left pointer to shrink the window from the left. We keep track of the maximum number of vowels seen so far. By the end, we return the maximum number of vowels found in any valid substring.
Sliding Window