Max Consecutive Ones III
Sliding Window
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve the problem "Max Consecutive Ones III" is to use a sliding window approach to find the longest subarray with at most K zeros.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
Given a binary array nums and an integer k, you need to find the maximum number of consecutive 1's in the array, allowing at most k zeroes to be flipped to ones. A key pitfall to watch out for is to correctly handle the sliding window approach, where the window represents the current subarray of consecutive ones. Another pitfall is to keep track of the count of zeroes within the window and update the maximum consecutive ones accordingly.
Solution Summary
The best solution for the Max Consecutive Ones III problem involves using a sliding window approach. We can maintain a window of zeros that we can flip to ones as needed to maximize the consecutive ones. By keeping track of the number of zeros inside the window, we can adjust the window size accordingly. As we iterate through the array, we expand the window when we encounter a zero and shrink it when the number of zeros exceeds the given limit. This way, we can find the maximum number of consecutive ones achievable by flipping at most k zeros.
Binary Search
Sliding Window