Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies

Array / String
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve this problem is to determine the maximum number of candies any kid can have by comparing their current number of candies with the maximum number of candies overall and checking if it is less than or equal to the sum of the extra candies.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
Problem Summary: The problem "Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies" is a simple array problem where we are given the number of candies each kid has, and we need to determine if each kid can have the greatest number of candies by adding extra candies. We return a boolean array indicating if each kid can have the greatest number of candies or not. Key Pitfalls: One potential pitfall is not considering the maximum number of candies in the given array, as it determines the benchmark for the greatest number of candies. Another pitfall is not properly handling the logic of adding extra candies to determine if a kid can have the greatest number or not.
Solution Summary
The best solution to solve the problem "Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies" is to first find the maximum number of candies among all the kids. Then, iterate through each kid and check if the sum of their candies and the extra candies given to them is greater than or equal to the maximum number of candies. This can be done in a single pass through the array of kids. By comparing the sum with the maximum number, we can determine if each kid can have the greatest number of candies. Finally, we return a boolean array indicating whether each kid can have the greatest number of candies or not.