Equal Row and Column Pairs

Hash Map / Set
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve this problem is to use a hash map to keep track of the count of equal row-column pairs in the given matrix.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
Problem Summary: The "Equal Row and Column Pairs" problem involves finding the number of pairs of rows and columns in a matrix such that the sum of the row is equal to the sum of the column. The task is to count the number of such pairs. Key Pitfalls: A key pitfall in this problem is to avoid double-counting pairs. Additionally, it is important to efficiently calculate the sum of rows and columns to avoid unnecessary computations and improve the algorithm's performance.
Solution Summary
The best solution to solve the problem of Equal Row and Column Pairs is to use a hash map to keep track of the count of each sum of row and column pairs. Iterate through the matrix and calculate the sum of each row and column pair. Store the count of each sum in the hash map. Then, iterate through the hash map and calculate the total number of equal row and column pairs by summing the count of pairs with count greater than one. Finally, return the total number of equal row and column pairs.
Hash Table