Daily Temperatures

Monotonic Stack
Key Ideas
The key idea to solve this problem is to use a monotonic stack to track the next warmer temperature for each day and calculate the number of days until a warmer temperature is encountered.
Problem Number
Problem Summary
The problem number 739 in the LeetCode-75 curated list is about finding the daily temperatures. Given a list of daily temperatures, the goal is to find the number of days you have to wait until a warmer temperature. A key pitfall in this problem is efficiently finding the next warmer temperature for each day, which can be solved using a monotonic stack to keep track of the temperatures.
Solution Summary
The best solution for this problem involves using a monotonic stack. The stack is used to keep track of the indices of the temperatures as we iterate through the array. For each temperature, we check if it is greater than the temperature at the top of the stack. If it is, we pop the stack and calculate the difference in days between the current temperature and the popped temperature. This difference represents the number of days until a warmer temperature is encountered. We repeat this process until we find a temperature that is greater than the current one or until the stack is empty. By doing this for all temperatures, we can find the number of days until a warmer temperature for each day in the input array.
Monotonic Stack