Compilers and Polyfills in JavaScript

Compilers and Polyfills in JavaScript

July 23, 2024
JavaScript is a dynamic and evolving language, which means developers often need to use tools to ensure their code works across different environments and browsers. Two key concepts in this process are compilers and polyfills. This blog post will explore what compilers and polyfills are, how they work, and the significance of their conformance/compatibility with ECMAScript standards.

Compilers and Polyfills in JavaScript


A compiler in the context of JavaScript, such as Babel, transforms modern JavaScript code into a version that is compatible with older browsers. This process is known as "transpiling." For example, Babel can convert ES6+ syntax like arrow functions and template literals into ES5 syntax that older browsers can understand.
Here’s an example of how Babel compiles modern JavaScript code:
// Modern ES6+ code const getProfile = username => { return fetch(`${username}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(({ data }) => ({ name:, location: data.location, company:, blog:'https') ? : null })) .catch(e => console.warn(e)); }; // Compiled ES5 code var getProfile = function getProfile(username) { return fetch('<>' + username) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (_ref) { var data =; return { name:, location: data.location, company:, blog:'https') ? : null }; }) .catch(function (e) { return console.warn(e); }); };


Polyfills are pieces of code that implement features on web browsers that do not natively support them. Unlike compilers, which transform syntax, polyfills add new functionalities to the browser's global environment. For example, if a browser does not support the fetch API, a polyfill can add this functionality so that the code using fetch can run correctly.
Closure Compiler, for instance, provides polyfills for newer classes and methods present in ES6+ versions of the ECMAScript specification but does not polyfill ES5 methods or browser-specific methods not part of the ECMAScript standard[2].

Conformance/Compatibility Tables

The conformance or compatibility table, such as the ECMAScript 6 compatibility table, is a tool used to check how well different compilers/polyfills and environments (like browsers and servers) support various ECMAScript standards[1]. These tables list features of the ECMAScript standard and indicate the level of support provided by different tools and environments.

Example of a Compatibility Table

A typical compatibility table might look like this:
Feature Name
Babel 6 + core-js 2
Closure 2021.11
Firefox 102 ESR
Chrome 115
Spread syntax for iterable objects
Object literal extensions
Template literals
In this table, each feature is tested against different compilers and environments to see how many sub-features or edge cases are supported. A score like "8/15" indicates partial support, meaning that out of 15 tests, 8 passed successfully.
This can be found in the link here.
notion image

Importance of Compatibility Tables

These tables are crucial for developers to understand which tools and environments they can rely on for their projects. They help in making informed decisions about which compilers or polyfills to use based on the specific features required by their code and the browsers they need to support.

Common JavaScript Compilers


Differences: Babel is one of the most popular JavaScript compilers. It is highly extensible and supports a wide range of plugins and presets.
  • Supports modern JavaScript (ES6+) features
  • Highly configurable with a large ecosystem of plugins
  • Excellent community support and documentation
  • Can be slower compared to other compilers
  • Requires additional configuration for optimal performance
Use Cases:
  • Transpiling modern JavaScript code for compatibility with older browsers
  • Projects that require extensive use of modern JavaScript features

TypeScript Compiler (tsc)

Differences: The TypeScript compiler not only transpiles TypeScript into JavaScript but also provides type checking.
  • Enforces static type checking, reducing runtime errors
  • Supports modern JavaScript features
  • Integrates well with many development tools and editors
  • Additional learning curve due to type annotations
  • May require more boilerplate code
Use Cases:
  • Large-scale applications where type safety is crucial
  • Projects that can benefit from enhanced IDE support and developer tooling

Google Closure Compiler

Differences: Google Closure Compiler is an advanced compiler that performs aggressive optimizations and code minification.
  • Highly effective at optimizing and minifying JavaScript code
  • Provides polyfills for newer ECMAScript features
  • Can perform dead code elimination
  • More complex to set up and use compared to other compilers
  • Requires annotations for advanced optimizations
Use Cases:
  • High-performance web applications
  • Projects where code size and execution speed are critical


Choosing the right compiler depends on the specific needs of your project. Babel is ideal for projects that require extensive use of modern JavaScript features. The TypeScript compiler is suitable for projects where type safety is important, while Google Closure Compiler is best for high-performance applications where code size and speed are critical. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each compiler can help you make an informed decision that best suits your development needs.

Common JavaScript Polyfills

Fetch API

The Fetch API provides a modern way to make network requests. Older browsers do not support it natively, so a polyfill like whatwg-fetch can be used to add this functionality.
// Using fetch API polyfill fetch('<>') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));


Promises are a way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. The es6-promise polyfill can be used to add support for promises in environments that do not support them.
// Using Promise polyfill const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve('Promise resolved'); }, 1000); }); promise.then(result => console.log(result));


The includes method determines whether an array includes a certain value. This method is not available in older browsers, but the core-js library provides a polyfill for it.
// Using Array.prototype.includes polyfill const array = [1, 2, 3]; console.log(array.includes(2)); // true


Object.assign is used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. The object-assign polyfill can be used to add this functionality.
// Using Object.assign polyfill const target = { a: 1 }; const source = { b: 2 }; const returnedTarget = Object.assign(target, source); console.log(returnedTarget); // { a: 1, b: 2 }


The URLSearchParams interface defines utility methods to work with the query string of a URL. This is not supported in some older browsers, but a polyfill like url-search-params-polyfill can be used.
// Using URLSearchParams polyfill const params = new URLSearchParams('?foo=1&bar=2'); console.log(params.get('foo')); // "1"

Common Tools for JavaScript Polyfills


Core-js is a comprehensive polyfill library for JavaScript that covers a wide range of ECMAScript features including promises, array methods, and object methods. It is highly configurable and can be used to include only the polyfills needed for your specific project.
  • Comprehensive coverage of ECMAScript features
  • Modular, allowing for selective inclusion of polyfills
  • Actively maintained and widely used
  • Can be large if not configured properly
  • Additional configuration may be needed for optimal use
Use Cases:
  • Projects that need broad ECMAScript support
  • Applications targeting a wide range of older and modern browsers is a service that provides polyfills based on the user’s browser and features required by your application. It automatically detects the features needed and serves the appropriate polyfills.
  • Automatically serves only the necessary polyfills
  • Reduces the amount of JavaScript loaded by the user
  • Easy to use with a simple URL-based API
  • Relies on an external service, which may introduce latency
  • Limited customization compared to local polyfill libraries
Use Cases:
  • Websites and applications with a diverse user base
  • Projects where minimizing JavaScript load is crucial

Babel Polyfill

Babel Polyfill is part of the Babel toolchain and includes core-js and regenerator-runtime. It provides polyfills for ECMAScript features and allows the use of modern JavaScript syntax in older environments.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Babel transpiler
  • Includes a wide range of polyfills
  • Simplifies setup for projects already using Babel
  • Can be large if not configured properly
  • May introduce additional complexity if not using Babel
Use Cases:
  • Projects already using Babel for transpiling
  • Applications that need both transpiling and polyfilling


Modernizr is a feature detection library that allows you to detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in a user’s browser. While not a polyfill library itself, Modernizr can be used in conjunction with polyfills to load them conditionally based on feature support.
  • Allows conditional loading of polyfills
  • Provides detailed feature detection
  • Lightweight and easy to integrate
  • Requires additional setup to use with polyfills
  • Does not provide polyfills itself
Use Cases:
  • Projects that require fine-grained control over feature detection
  • Applications that need to conditionally load polyfills based on browser capabilities
Polyfills are an essential tool for ensuring that modern JavaScript features can be used in older environments. By understanding and utilizing polyfills, developers can write code that is both modern and compatible with a wide range of browsers.

ES7 Shim

The ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) Shim is a polyfill library that adds support for features introduced in ECMAScript 2016. These features include the Array.prototype.includes method and the exponentiation operator (**). The ES7 Shim ensures that these features can be used in environments that do not natively support them.
  • Provides support for specific ES7 features
  • Easy to integrate into existing projects
  • Ensures compatibility with older browsers
  • Limited to features introduced in ECMAScript 2016
  • May need to be used in conjunction with other polyfill libraries for broader feature support
Use Cases:
  • Projects that need to use ES7 features in older environments
  • Applications requiring minimal polyfills for ECMAScript 2016 support
// Using ES7 Shim for Array.prototype.includes const array = [1, 2, 3]; console.log(array.includes(2)); // true // Using ES7 Shim for exponentiation operator const base = 2; const exponent = 3; console.log(base ** exponent); // 8
The ES7 Shim is a useful tool for developers who need to use ECMAScript 2016 features in environments that do not natively support them. By integrating this shim, you can ensure that your code remains compatible across a wide range of browsers.


Compilers and polyfills are essential tools for modern JavaScript development, ensuring that new language features can be used even in environments that do not yet support them natively. Understanding the conformance and compatibility of these tools with ECMAScript standards is vital for developers to write efficient and compatible code. Compatibility tables serve as a guide to help developers choose the right tools and ensure their code runs smoothly across different browsers and environments.