Keep components small and focused: Break down complex components into smaller, reusable pieces that handle a single responsibility.
Functional components with hooks: Prefer functional components over class components for better readability and ease of use, especially with hooks like useState and useEffect.
State Management:
Lift state up only when necessary: Keep state as close as possible to where it's needed. Lift state to common ancestor components only when multiple children need access to it.
Use Context for global state: For global data (like user settings, theme), use the Context API to avoid "prop drilling" (passing props through many levels of components).
Performance Optimization:
Memoization: Use React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback to prevent unnecessary re-renders by memorizing complex functions or components.
Code splitting: Utilize dynamic import() statements and React's lazy and Suspense to split your code into smaller bundles and load them on demand.
Handling Side Effects:
Effect cleanup: Always provide a cleanup function in useEffect to avoid memory leaks, especially for subscriptions, listeners, or any external data connections.
Conditional execution in effects: To optimize performance, use the dependency array of useEffect wisely to control when side effects should run.
Unit testing: Write tests for your components using libraries like Jest and React Testing Library to ensure your UI behaves as expected.
Mock dependencies: Use mocks for APIs and other external services to make testing more reliable and faster.
Accessibility (a11y):
Semantic HTML: Use proper HTML elements (like <button>, <a>, <header>, etc.) for better accessibility and SEO.
ARIA attributes: Use ARIA attributes when HTML elements alone do not convey enough information about the component's behavior.
Keyboard navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements are usable with the keyboard.
Code Quality:
ESLint and Prettier: Use ESLint for static code analysis and Prettier for code formatting to maintain a consistent code style and prevent common bugs.
Use descriptive names: Be clear with variable, function, and component names to enhance readability and maintainability.
CSS-in-JS libraries: Consider using libraries like styled-components or emotion for scoped and dynamic styling.
Maintainable CSS: Keep styles organized and avoid global styles that can lead to conflicts; consider using CSS modules or similar techniques.